The Booby Pillow - Squeeze It & Be Happy

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My First Breastimonial

Hi! This is Karla...and this is my first Breastimonial.

What is a breastimonial? Well, it’s definitely not a word you’ll find in the dictionary. To me it means a story about my experience with my own breasts. A real life testimonial about my boobs. Breastimonials are the true stories of my life and my breasts. The fun, the outrageous, the sexy, and the sometimes awkward moments living with my breasts. Find out what happens when a woman stops being self-conscious and starts getting real...Let the Breastimonials begin!

Why am I writing about this? Well for starters because it’s my breasts that have inspired our fantastic Boob Pillow but also because it’s a part of my life that I think relates to many people - whether man or woman. I think breasts are something that everyone thinks about but few talk about. It’s a topic that you maybe don’t want bring up during a conversation but there they are…it’s the unsaid thing sitting between you and the other person. And if you have big boobs, like I do, or you’re showing cleavage…the other person is definitely trying to look but also trying not look down at your boobs. And I think it’s fascinating to explore all the ins and outs of how I feel, how other women feel about their breasts - and how the experience of their own life and the world around them has been shaped by their lady bumps.

With this series of blog posts, my hope is to change the conversation about boobs. It’s meant to be a way to celebrate beauty of breasts in a fun, respectful and playful way. Maybe we can all learn a few things together along the way.

Do you have a Breastimonial you’d like to share? We’d love to hear from you! Just send us an email at We’ll never publish anything without your permission.