The 7 Sexiest Cosplay Costumes
Halloween is by far our favorite holiday. So much mischief and merriment. So many women running around in revealing Halloween costumes offering unlimited free candy. What’s not to love? We have to admit that narrowing down our list of the 7 sexiest Halloween costumes was not easy. While you can’t go wrong with a classic hot zombie librarian or naughty nurse, this year we worked extra hard to come up with a list of the most iconic, boobalicious, and sexiest Halloween costumes ever!
7. Jessica Rabbit
Jessica Rabbit is one of the sexiest cartoon characters ever drawn. That iconic scene where she first appears in Who Framed Roger Rabbit still makes our toes curl and eyes pop out. Plus with her signature red dress, purple gloves and red hair, she’s an easy costume to replicate. Unless your Heidi Klum who takes her Halloween costumes so seriously that she has a team of makeup artists and prosthetics molded to perfectly recreate Jessica’s heart-stopping hourglass figure. Va va voom Heidi, we salute your dedication to the holiday!
Heidi Klum as Jessica Rabbit for Halloween in 2015
6. Oktoberfest Beer Maiden
Short skirt, sexy corset, white thigh-high stockings, and a giant beer in hand…yes please! Halloween is the perfect excuse to extend Oktoberfest celebrations and those beer-maiden outfits make us real thirsty. It’s the perfect costume for sexy beer lovers.
5. Free Britney
What better way to celebrate Britney Spears’ newfound freedom than dressing up as her this Halloween? While there are countless Britney looks to choose from we’re extremely partial to her 2001 VMA performance outfit. Maybe it’s the giant yellow python or those Daisy Duke shorts but this costume is one of our favorites. Don’t forget the body glitter! You can’t dress up as Britney Spears without it.
4. Pirate Wench
Some of you may remember from our Sexiest Video Game Vixens post that we have a thing for busty pirate wenches. Who doesn’t? Between the leather boots, heaving bodiced bosoms, and jaunty hat there’s just no way we couldn’t include this costume on our list. We’ll walk the plank any day for these swashbuckling beauties. Everyone knows pirates have all the fun.
3. Poison Ivy
All you need for a Poison Ivy costume is a bit of green body paint, a red wig, fake leaves, and some spray adhesive. Put it all together and you’ve got yourself one super sexy barely there, villainous vixen Halloween costume. Just like Halsey wore in 2018. We hope it’s not a chilly night or that you meet a caped crusader to keep you warm.
2. French Maid
We’re not going to lie, Clue is one of our all-time favorite movies and a big reason for that is the sexy French maid character, Yvette. With her tiny little skirt, black stockings, and beguiling breasts, Yvette brought the French Maid fantasy to the big screen, ridiculous accent and all. If you’ve never seen Clue be sure to add it to your Halloween movie list this year. The best part about the sexy French Maid costume is that it looks good on both men and women.
1. Playboy Bunny
There was no way we could create a sexiest Halloween costumes list without mentioning one of the most iconic sex symbols of the 20th century, the Playboy Bunny. For over 60 years the Playboy Bunny costume has been raising heart rates and more. One of the reasons it’s still so popular is that the simple design is flattering to everyone. Anyone who wants to know what it feels like to be a super sexy bombshell for a night can put on one of these outfits and live the full fantasy.
That’s what Halloween is really about. Giving yourself permission to indulge in whatever fantasy strikes your fancy. Celebrate by dressing up as one of our favorite sexy Halloween costumes or whatever you want. Just as long as you unleash your inner child or demon or both. No judgments here as long as you have fun!
Feel like dressing up your Booby Pillow this Halloween? Check out our store for new sexy fun covers to give your Booby Pillow a Halloween makeover!