

The Booby Pillow is in a category of its own among the likes of body pillows, the Purple Pillow, the Pillow Cube, throw pillows, breastfeeding pillows, the boppy pillow, the breast-support pillows, the My Pillow guy and even pillow princesses. So letโ€™s have some fun and take a look at whatโ€™s going on in the world of pillows.

Health & Wellness

Research shows that touching and looking at breasts can help lower stress and release the oxytocin which is known as the love hormone. Lowering stress and anxiety is beneficial and can improve sleep, weight control, less muscle tension, better mood, and getting along better with friends and family. Read more to find out why it's healthy to remove the stigma of our natural attraction to breasts.

Celebrity Birthdays

Boobs have a special place in our hearts and so do the beautiful celebrity women who show them off proudly. Join us as we celebrate these ladies in wishing them and their breasts a very Happy Birthday!

How itโ€™s made

Get to know the story of how our family run business got started creating the Booby Pillow.

AI Companions & Girlfriends

Weโ€™re super intrigued by this new trend. Explore more about how the digital realm is starting to birth these hyper-realistic companions and girlfriends.