Treat Yourself to Some ‘Love Hormone’ This Valentine’s Day

Treat yourself

Valentine’s Day doesn’t have to be filled with frantic last minute dinner reservations or dreaded unfulfilled expectations. All that really matters is being happy and healthy. Which is why this Valentine’s Day we want to celebrate the ‘love hormone’ oxytocin and all of its incredible health benefits.

In one of our previous blog posts we talked about how looking at and touching a beautiful pair of boobs lowers stress and releases oxytocin. Now we want to dive deep into the many health benefits of  the ‘love hormone’ itself and why it’s so important. 

Sexy brunette

Oxytocin is a hormone and neurotransmitter that is released when our bodies experience moments of pleasure like playing with a beloved pet, hugging someone or during orgasm. Women also experience a rush of oxytocin while giving birth and breastfeeding. The act of a mother holding her newborn infant to her breast is an extremely important stage in a child’s development. Both mother and child are bathed in oxytocin which forms an intense bond of attachment that allows the child to feel safe and secure.  These same feelings and bonds occur when a couple embraces and spends time cuddling which is why oxytocin is also referred to as the ‘cuddle’ or ‘trust’ hormone.

Oxytocin isn’t just about pleasure though, it also affects our emotions and response to anxiety. A Medical News Today article from 2017, states “that the hormone’s impact on ‘pro-social behaviors’ and emotional responses contributes to relaxation, trust and psychological stability.” It helps regulate the way we respond to stress and anger by stopping us from feeling overwhelmed and insecure. As a medication oxytocin is used to treat depression, help with anger management and even irritable bowel syndrome by relaxing inflamed intestines.

Boy with beanie

Its ability to improve people’s self esteem in social situations helps those who suffer from social anxiety. By encouraging “personality traits such as warmth, trust, altruism and openness” relationship building becomes easier and more impactful. One 2013 PNAS study even “suggested that oxytocin may help keep men faithful to their partners by activating the reward centers in the brain.” Basically oxytocin is a superhero out to save humanity.

So how can you get your hands on some?  Well you can play with your dog, cuddle with your partner, have more orgasms or start hugging people again. Don’t worry if not all of these options are available there’s still another way. Studies have shown that even hugging inanimate objects such as teddy bears and pillows can have the same oxytocin inducing effects as hugging a real person. Scientists have also found that when people are distressed they respond best to soft textures. Which means when you combine the pleasures of hugging a plush booby shaped memory foam pillow you receive the ultimate dose of stress reducing and anxiety soothing oxytocin. 

Girl with fuzzy pillow

So instead of spending this Valentine’s Day fighting over the last table at the Cheesecake Factory, celebrate the true essence of the day by cuddling up to your loved one or beloved Booby Pillow. Basking in the comforting release of oxytocin will lower your blood pressure, alleviate your irritable bowels, boost your self esteem, make you more trusting and kind, reduce anxiety, dissolve anger and even make you a more faithful partner. You could say we’re also doing our part to save humanity :)


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