Research: Touching and looking at Boobs helps lower stress
Well folks, it looks like scientists have finally figured out what we’ve all known for years. Touching, squeezing and looking at breasts makes us feel good and is good for our health.
In May of 2020 a Swedish university found that feeling and touching breasts releases oxytocin (the love hormone that lowers stress and depression) and helps prevent breast cancer. And apparently this works for both men and women - so ladies, get touching!
Newer studies after 2021 have also found that touching breasts can be more effective at lowering stress than even breathing exercises or meditation. Imagine doing both breathing, meditation. and touching breasts - this could be incredibly healing. The effect works on men and women.
Oxytocin’s role as the “love hormone'“
Oxytocin is a hormone produced in the hypothalamus and released into the bloodstream by the pituitary gland. Its core function is facilitating childbirth, which is one of the reasons it’s called the "love drug" or "love hormone." Our bodies also produce oxytocin when we’re excited by our sexual partner, and when we fall in love. The good news is that the simple act of touch seems to boost the release of oxytocin. Giving someone a massage, cuddling, making love, or giving someone a hug leads to higher levels of this hormone and a greater sense of well-being.
Squeeze the Booby Pillow everyday and feel the effects of touching breasts.
Chest size linked to amount of stress reduction
The study included around 100 men between 20 and 50 years old. The selected individuals were made to look at and then touch a chest while experiencing stress. The study showed that touching breasts reduced stress levels by 70%. Chest size also played a role—apparently, larger chests lowered stress more rapidly. Link to article. So, you read right. Squeezing boobs is good for your health. But you gotta have permission!
And it only gets better. A 2012 study, published in the Archives of Internal Medicine found that looking at boobs improves our mood and could help men live longer. Men who learn to self-soothe by staring at breasts create a positive mindset, lower their blood pressure and reduce stress, which in turn improves their overall quality of health and life expectancy. Link to article.
Germany knows what’s up, too. A German study, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, concludes that staring at women's breasts for a few minutes daily is better for your health than going to the gym. Now we’re not advocating you stop working out, but clearly looking at a beautiful pair of breasts is good for you too.
“Just 10 minutes of looking at the charms of well-endowed females is equivalent to a 30-minute aerobics work-out. Sexual excitement gets the heart pumping and improves blood circulation. There’s no question - gazing at large breasts makes men healthier.
10 minutes per day is ideal
She also recommends that men over 40 should spend at least 10 minutes daily admiring breasts-size D-cup or larger. Link to article.
So there you have it folks, scientific proof that looking at and touching boobies is good for you. If a fresh pair of breasts aren’t readily available, have no fear, we’ve created the world’s most comforting Booby Pillow for that exact reason. So grab your favorite pair of breasts or breast-shaped pillow and start relaxing today!