6 Ways Men Can Have Fun Reducing Stress
It’s a scientific fact that men and women handle stress differently. When women experience stress, their bodies release higher levels of oxytocin, which encourages them to seek out help and companionship. Because men receive lower levels of oxytocin while stressed, they’re far more likely to suffer in silence until they erupt like angry volcanoes. Here at Booby Pillow, we don’t want any angry volcanoes erupting on our watch, so we’ve put together a list of ways men can have fun while reducing stress.
Play Video Games
Yup, that’s right, you heard it here first! Video games are actually good for your health. Playing video games releases dopamine and endorphins in the brain, which relaxes you while helping you feel more energized and positive. By overcoming the different challenges in each game, the reward centers of your brain are also activated, which allows you to feel competent and raises your self-esteem. Furthermore, video games are full of sexy ladies running around with ginormous jiggling bosoms, which are very fun to look at. So the next time you have a bad day at work, we give you permission to sit down and start gaming.
Laughter really is the best medicine. Having a good chuckle increases your oxygen intake, which stimulates your lungs, heart and brain. It also releases endorphins, improves immune function, and decreases depression and anxiety. If you can find the time to have a laugh with a few friends, great. If not, try listening to funny podcasts on your way to and from work or entertaining audiobooks while doing chores around the house.
Watching a comedy before bed will help you destress more and sleep better than an intense high action thriller. Focusing on the silly wacky things in life that are beyond your control actually makes you more resilient when it comes time to face those challenging, stressful moments. That’s what those talking dog videos on Tik Tok are for.
Move Your Body
Working out, hitting the gym, running, walking, swimming, bicycling… the list goes on and on. It doesn’t matter which activity you choose. All that matters is moving your body, getting your heart pumping, and blood flowing. Any time endorphins get released tension automatically eases.
If you’re angry, frustrated or stressed, take up boxing and punch it out. Picture your boss’ face on the bag. Not only does working out improve your overall health and fitness, it also provides ample opportunities to spot sports bra cleavage. We’re not ashamed to admit that we attend yoga classes solely for the chance to see boobs being hung upside down. If that doesn’t relax you, then nothing will.
Go Outside
Fresh air, bright colors and the sounds of nature are all stimulating to your senses. Being outside, even if it’s just your balcony or a park bench, immediately relaxes you. If you can take a walk in nature, even better. As we already know, moving your body releases endorphins so if you combine that with a little vitamin D from sunlight, then you’re well on your way to easing stress, anxiety, and depression. Feel like really being free? Check out our list of the best naked booby beaches in the US to find out where you can let it all hang out and hopefully glimpse some beautiful bare breasts playing in the waves as well.
Get a Massage
Spa days and massages aren’t just for women. It’s time men learned to appreciate the incredibly relaxing effects of a good massage. Which include lowering your heart rate, blood pressure and cortisol levels. Cortisol is the main hormone triggered when we’re stressed, so it’s very important to keep those levels low. Massages also release serotonin and oxytocin into your body, which help you stay calm, feel happier and sleep better. We love the ‘love hormone’ so much, we wrote an entire article on the numerous health benefits of oxytocin.
Touch Boobies
We said 6 Ways Men Can Have Fun Reducing Stress and touching boobies is one of the best ways to do that. In fact, you don’t even have to touch them, although we’re not stopping you. Studies have shown that even just looking at boobs can lower stress. That's why we created the world’s most comfortable boob-shaped pillow. Activities like sex, hugging, cuddling and touching breasts all release oxytocin in the body and stimulate the pleasure centers of the brain. Increasing your happiness and easing tension. If you’re stressed, grab a booby pillow and start cuddling, fondling, tweaking and motorboating for an instant mood changer.
Constant stress is one of the biggest risks to your health. Not to mention the fact that being stressed all the time is no fun. We make the world’s best booby-shaped pillows because we want the world to be a happier place. So go outside, laugh, move your body, play more video games, get a massage, and touch as many boobies or booby pillows as you can. Have fun giving stress the middle finger.
“🌰🌰 Touch Boobies and Reduce Stress ”